Published: 08/11/2023
An article with the results of the work of the research team of Dr Witold Rządkowski was published in a prestigious journal that covers all fields of natural sciences. The scientists carried out their project under the BIOTECHMED-2: Start research grant.
Published: 08/11/2023
During the 8th Smart Development Forum in Uniejów, Dr Artur Kasprzak from the Faculty of Chemistry, working on Magnetic nanoadsorbents comprising sumanene for the selective and effective removal of caesium salts from aqueous solutions or organic wastes, received the Scientist of the Future award for his research.
Published: 08/11/2023
The KONIK 20th Anniversary Student Gala is behind us. During the event, students from polytechnic student research groups presented the effects of their work on projects implemented under the Rector's Grants.
Published: 07/11/2023
We would like to invite you to take part in the 4th edition of the survey of mutual satisfaction with cooperation among WUT employees. The survey is carried out as a part of the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” programme implemented at the Warsaw University of Technology.
Published: 25/09/2023
A new Local Project Division is being established - LOP InTeCH, covering the Faculty of Chemistry and the Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering. The appointment agreement was signed on September 21st.
Published: 15/09/2023
Professor Artur Janicki uses artificial intelligence methods to support mental illness therapy. His project is carried out as part of a POB SzIR research grant.
Published: 15/09/2023
As part of the POB CyberDS research grant, experts from the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology of PW focused on devising methods to prevent attacks on the Internet of Things infrastructure aimed at data interception or shutting down network nodes by exhausting their power sources.
Published: 31/07/2023
Further units of Local Project Divisions (LOPs) are under way.
Published: 17/07/2023
Most often, when talking about recycled aggregate in the context of concrete technology, we mean a typical orange brick used, for example, to erect walls. Students from the Płock Branch of the Warsaw University of Technology undertook to investigate the properties of recycled concrete composed of sanitary ceramic cullet. The project is implemented as part of the Rector's grant for student research groups.
Published: 17/07/2023
The Displacement and Deformation Monitoring Laboratory is a teaching infrastructure that will be used by students to perform measurements of horizontal displacement testing and deflection modelling, and to acquire the ability to use terrestrial laser scanning in displacement research, among other things. The laboratory is being constructed as part of a teacher grant.
Published: 17/07/2023
The Sanitary Installations Laboratory was established at the Faculty of Building Services, Hydro and Environmental Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology. It will enable students to acquire practical skills related to the design of water supply and sewage systems. The laboratory was established as part of the implementation of a teacher grant.
Published: 17/07/2023
Experts from the Faculty of Physics and the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology conducted a series of training sessions on the technology of using fibre optic sensors to monitor composite structures. The course was run as part of the DEMO-Center competition.
Published: 17/07/2023
Experts from the Faculty of Mechatronics PW provide courses for companies, medical centres, and research institutes on the use of the latest devices for quantitative phase imaging at the cellular level. The project is implemented as part of the DEMO-Center competition.
Published: 26/05/2023
As part of the POB AIR research grant, a team of researchers from WUT focused on the development and then implementation of effective methods for modelling and optimal control of multibody systems.
Published: 19/05/2023
In the competition, 5 projects will receive funding.
Published: 24/03/2023
Removal of radioactive caesium salts from aqueous solutions is crucial from the point of view of human health and natural environment protection. High concentrations of the 137Cs isotope have been found mainly in the post-disaster area of nuclear power plants, but the problem with the disposal of waste containing caesium applies to other areas of the world because caesium is produced in routine organic syntheses, for example, drug synthesis. Nanomaterials containing sumanene may prove to be a solution to these problems.
Published: 24/03/2023
Energy is produced from a relatively small portion of solar radiation hitting the photovoltaic cells. The rest is lost mainly as heat. PW researchers are working on a material with a negative refraction index, which will not only eliminate the cell heating but also will allow us to enhance the energy yield.
Published: 22/03/2023
Open call for team members for the marathon of work on practical solutions and demonstrators in the areas of biomedical engineering, photonic technologies, cybersecurity and data analysis, energy conversion and storage.
Published: 22/02/2023
During the event, demonstrators prepared by the winners of the MedTech-Athon final will be presented. The competition jury selected these projects as projects with the most significant development potential and the most excellent chance of success in the commercialization process.
Published: 15/02/2023
Applications for funding in the fourth edition of the Open Science programme can be submitted from 15 February 2023 until funds allocated for the given year are exhausted.
Published: 13/02/2023
In the third edition of the competition, the 30 best scientific papers will receive funding.
Published: 13/02/2023
[Uptade: The survey is available until March 3rd, 2023.] Complete the survey sent to all WUT employees via email on February 3rd, and help us improve the university.
Published: 09/02/2023
The use of VR in education facilitates the development of creativity and spatial imagination, as well as remote work in an international team. The team of PW employees has decided to use a wide range of VR applications in teaching, creating the GeoSpatial Virtual Reality & Planning AR Laboratory.