Research University - Warsaw University of Technology

Programme supporting the development of modern teaching methods

The programme is implemented under D23: Providing courses, internships and study visits to academic teachers, which enable the implementation of modern teaching methods, including Research-Based Education

The picture shows students in a library.

The programme aims:

  • facilitate the participation of WUT academic teachers in training, courses and other forms of educational services abroad enhancing their teaching and/or research competences in terms of methods and forms of educating students and doctoral students, particularly Research Based Education.
  • utilize modern teaching methods and forms in the educational process at WUT, including Research Based Education, specifically in the context of the fields of study which are key to the development of WUT as a research university.
  • disseminate good practices through sharing knowledge and experience of the Participants with other WUT academic teachers in terms of innovative methods and forms of education, including those based on project implementation and solving problems whose topics are connected with the research conducted at WUT.
  • enhancing the quality of educating students and doctoral students, particularly in the fields of study and scientific disciplines connected with priority research areas, including the need to involve students and doctoral students in conducting academic research.


The candidate shall be employed at WUT as a primary place of employment based on an employment contract or nomination act, signed at least for the period of utilizing the educational service and the period of two full terms which will start after completing the participation in the educational service.

Programme in numbers

Financing will be provided for at least 60 people.


The competition is conducted by the Project Coordination Department in the Center for Development Projects.
tel. 0048 22 234 14 71