Work on algorithms for synchronous reluctance drives

The intensive development of electromobility, including battery electric vehicles, motivates scientists including those from the Warsaw University of Technology to research the scope of the application of synchronous-reluctance motors in electric vehicle drives.

Synchronous reluctance motor

Synchronous reluctance motor 

“In comparison with traditional solutions based on induction and synchronic motors with permanent magnets, reluctance machines facilitate achieving a higher density of power in the former ones. And they are more economically appealing than the latter,” explains Professor Lech Grzesiak, PhD, DSc, from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at WUT.

Within the project implemented under the ENERGYTECH-1 grant, WUT scientists in collaboration with the researchers from the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń carried out research on the drive with reluctance motor powered by a highly efficient converter with semiconductor elements based on silicon carbide. During the tests, researchers devised and carried out experimental verification of steering algorithms based on the coupling from the state vector to the prediction of restrictions.

“We have devised a steering structure, algorithms, and programmes which were introduced to the steering system in which the microprocessor is located,” says Professor Lech Grzesiak. “Next, we prepared simulation models on which we carried out computer tests and experiments,” he explains.

The regulation algorithm devised by the Varsovian and Torunian researchers on account of the electric drive tests connected with electromobility was supplemented with a steering strategy in the zone of a weakened stream and the possibility of working without an angle location sensor. Additionally, comparative research on the device drive as contrasted to the commercial drive was conducted as part of the research work.

To get more information about the research findings click here.



The project “High-performance control of synchronous reluctance motor based on state feedback with the prediction of constraints for electric vehicle” is funded as part of the research grant of the Research Centre POB Energy Conversion and Storage under the “Excellence Initiative - Research University” programme implemented at the Warsaw University of Technology.

Research team:

Professor Lech Grzesiak, PhD, DSc, (Warsaw University of Technology); Tomasz Tarczewski, PhD, DSc, Associate Professor UMK (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń); Łukasz Niewiara, DSc (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń); Michał Gierczyński, MSc (Warsaw University of Technology).

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