What kind of WUT campus? Open, coherent, flexible, promoting cooperation and diversity

For five days of intensive workshop work, more than 200 people discussed and drew possible visions for the spatial development of the Warsaw University of Technology campus. The results of the workshop are now being compiled by designers from the KAMPUS.PW team and the most likely scenarios for the transformation of the buildings and areas of the Warsaw University of Technology will be presented.

Photo shows a group of people.

This is the first time that a single study has included all areas and buildings of our University in and near Warsaw. Preparing an action plan for the creation of a healthy, rational, and sustainable living environment on campus is a challenge stemming from the Development Strategy of the Warsaw University of Technology by 2030, adopted by the Senate in 2023. The KAMPUS.PW team, headed by Professor Krystyna Solarek from the Faculty of Architecture, wants to demonstrate how these challenges can be tackled while activating the academic community for collective discussion. Hence, the key moment of the entire undertaking, in addition to the organisation of an exhibition and seminar in November 2023, was the charrette design workshop.

The workshop took place from 11 to 15 March in the building at Rektorska 4 Street. Three open design and discussion sessions were attended by the representatives of the University authorities, staff, students, as well as city officials from Warsaw City Hall.

Under the guidance of experienced designers, each “table” developed solution options for critical issues: housing policy and social needs; sports, recreation and culture; urban linkages and layout of public spaces; development of the Main Area; new developments in the BIS area; new developments for the South Campus. 

The participants jointly identified stakeholders, needs, investment strategies and development opportunities, while producing dozens of sketches and new components of mock-ups. Now, Professor Krystyna Solarek’s project team will produce concepts of options for the development of the WUT campus together with a vision of the links to the surrounding area, which will form the basis for further discussions and actions.

The KAMPUS.PW project is being implemented as part of the “Excellence Initiative - Research University” programme (IDUB).

Source: pw.edu.pl

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